Author name: Vena Holub

Dispelling Myths About Employing Individuals with Disabilities

The Arc Minnesota is a statewide organization that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Arc released the article “Employing People with Disabilities – Myths, Realities and Job Accommodations” in order to provide information and resources on employing individuals with disabilities. Read “Employing People with Disabilities – Myths, Realities and Job […]

Resources for Enhancing School Mental Health Systems

The National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) collaborated with mental health experts to create “Advancing Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems: Guidance from the Field”. The document is designed to be a foundational guide for enhancing school mental health efforts and building consensus in the field. Read more about the guide and download it here […]

The Departments of Education and Health and Human Services Release Dear Colleague Letter

On June 14th, the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Education issued recommendations to support children’s health, social-emotional development, and learning. The letter highlights four recommendations along with additional resources including short videos. The four recommendations are: Implement evidence-based practices that support positive social-emotional development and mental health for all children and […]

Minnesota 2022 LGBTQ Aging Needs Assessment Report

Rainbow Health and the University of Minnesota Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Human Services and U.S. Department of Health Resources and Services Administration, conducted an aging needs assessment of Twin Cities lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. The report describes methods, results, a discussion of key […]

New Minnesota Mental Health Bill Signed into Law

Governor Tim Walz signed a $92.7 million dollar bill into law on June 2, 2022. The law, HF2725, allows hospitals to increase mental health bed capacity across the state and allocates a total of $92.7 million in funding for a variety of mental health initiatives. To learn more visit the Office of the Governor’s webpage […]

The Center on PBIS Provides Guidance to Support Schools During and After a Crisis

The Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) webpage entitled Supporting Schools During and After Crisis, provides resources to support students, families, and educators during and following a crisis through the use of a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). The page includes a downloadable guide: Returning to School During and After Crisis.
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