The Departments of Education and Health and Human Services Release Dear Colleague Letter

On June 14th, the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Education issued recommendations to support children’s health, social-emotional development, and learning. The letter highlights four recommendations along with additional resources including short videos.

The four recommendations are:

  1. Implement evidence-based practices that support positive social-emotional development and mental health for all children and wellness for every caregiver.

  2. Prioritize workforce wellness and enhance workforce capacity to identify and respond to children’s and families’ social-emotional and mental health needs.

  3. Leverage policy and funding to increase access to social-emotional and mental health support and reduce barriers to access.

  4. Use data to promote equitable implementation and outcomes.

You can read more about the Dear Colleague Letter, download the letter, and view the first video on the Administration for Children and Families website

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