
Systems of Care and Wraparound Planning

Systems of Care Parents of children and youth who need mental health supports are often expected to communicate with more than one service system. These services might be related to juvenile justice, children and family services, special education, mental health, and developmental disabilities. When these services are not coordinated well, parents are left on their […]

Stories Across the Lifespan

The stories on this page describe how systems of care can be used to coordinate a network of services and supports to improve quality of life outcomes for children and youth.

Learn More about School-Linked Mental Health Services

Children and youth spend a significant amount of time participating in public education, and, therefore, schools are a location where mental health assessment, prevention, early identification, and treatment can be provided. Untreated, mental health issues can create a significant barrier for children and youth as they seek learning and educational success. Placing children’s mental health […]

Learn More About Assertive Community Treatment

Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a service delivery model for supporting persons with serious mental illness, multiple diagnoses and complex treatment needs. A goal of ACT is to promote recovery by providing access to treatment in the community that is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day and by providing rehabilitation. People […]

Learn More About Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis History Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is “the science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for the improvement in behavior” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). In 1968, Baer, Wolf, and Risley defined ABA studies […]

ABA and Older Adults: River Bend Adult Day Program, Edwin

Example Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 River Bend Adult Day Program supports senior citizens with physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges. Participants attend day programs three to five days per week. The program provides opportunities to make friends and cook meals. They make arts and crafts, go on outings, and take wellness […]

Relationship Between Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Support

The purpose of the information here will help your understanding about the history and current relationship between Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Support. The content in the pages linked below will address these practices from several angles including values, science, practice standards, and how the Minnesota Positive Behavior Support Network and Minnesota Northland ABA […]

Mental Health

Mental Health Overview Emotional health and wellness is an important part of a person’s quality of life. Mental health can change how we think, feel and act in life. It also helps us deal with stress, build friendships with people, and make good choices. People who have problems with mental health may experience changes in […]


People with Lived Experience and Advocacy People with lived experience who want to choose a positive support have a lot of choices. It can be hard to figure out how to pick a positive support that will be the best fit for each person’s needs. Finding the right person to help can be challenging as […]


Overview of Employment Employment is an important part of life for most people. Having a job allows people to make money and be independent. Many people report that their job helps them to feel like they are part of society. A person may describe her work as an important part of who she is as […]
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