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Person-Centered Practices and Families: Steven and Tony

Steven’s and His Mother’s Story One Personal Futures Planning facilitator was very worried. The person’s mother was not saying anything at all during the Personal Futures Planning meeting. This was a mother that had often been very vocal about her views. The facilitator was concerned that she might be upset. They talked afterward, and the […]

Person-Centered Practices and Education: Renee

Renee’s Story Renee is a 6 year old. She has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. She lives with her mother, father and two older sisters in northwestern Minnesota. Renee attends a neighborhood school in a special education classroom. She has many friends with and without disabilities. Her family has always been careful to give […]

Person-Centered Practices and Employment: Charles

The Emancipation of Charles Reaching forty years old is a landmark for anyone. It was especially memorable for Charles. The birthday celebration included many family and friends. Not only did he have a job pressing sheets with steam machinery in a major hotel chain, but he had also been selected “Star Employee” by the company. […]

Person-Centered Practices and Early Childhood: Emily and Michael

This is a story about two five year olds, their parents, and their schools. Both five year olds transitioned from special education early childhood programs into regular kindergarten programs. These programs were in their neighborhood “home” schools. The neighborhood schools had never before had children with this degree and range of disabilities in regular kindergarten. […]

Person-Centered Practices and Community Living: Katie and Cliff

Katie’s Story Listen to Katie as she describes how person-centered planning has impacted her life. Cliff’s Story For 20 years, Cliff lived in a nice “downtown” apartment in a very rural Minnesota town. Downtown consisted of a few blocks with one stoplight. He worked as a busser and dishwasher at a nearby restaurant and was known […]

Stories Across the Lifespan

The stories on this page describe how person-centered practices can be used to improve quality of life outcomes for people across the lifespan in a variety of settings.

What are Person-Centered Practices (PCP)?

Person-centered practices include: 1) tools everyone can use to learn more about a person, 2) person-centered planning, and 3) person-centered changes that are made in schools and human services settings. Universal Person-Centered Strategies help people learn about what brings joy to someone and makes life worth living. These tools are also used to find out what a […]

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a positive support. People use this type of support to change social behavior and improve lives. Parents learn to use ABA to help their children learn new skills. Teachers use ABA in classrooms with groups of students or with one child who needs more help to succeed. ABA can help […]

Trauma Informed Approaches

What are Trauma Informed Approaches? Stories Across the Lifespan Trauma Informed Approaches and the Public Health Model
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