Person-Centered Practices

Essential Lifestyle Planning [External link]

Originally developed for people with “severe reputations,” and now useful for everyone. A person-centered plan is developed by identifying what are the core or “essential” values of an individual, and how a person should be supported to honor those values. Click here for more information about Essential Lifestyle Planning.

MAPS [External link]

A planning process in which a facilitator leads a group of committed people in understanding a person and their dreams. It starts with the focus person’s history and identifies dreams to move toward and nightmares to move away from. Click here for more information about MAPS.

PATH Description (Video) [External link]

An 8-step planning process involving dreaming and thinking backwards. It starts with a dream/vision of what the “North star” is for that person. It is an especially helpful process to identify action steps toward reaching the dream/vision. Click here for more information about PATH.

Picture of a Life (Part 2 of Person-Centered Thinking) [External link]

A planning process which utilizes the tools of the Person-Centered Thinking training, and includes both graphic and written descriptions of a person’s desirable place to live, work, or other situation. Particularly useful when a person is facing a transition.

Charting the LifeCourse [External link]

This planning approach helps people and their families identify the best life a person wants to live by developing a vision for a good life, thinking about what is needed and considering the types of supports that will help.

Learn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices

Being person-centered is a way of thinking and acting that empowers people to have a high quality of life. Person-centered practices assist people in creating a positive and meaningful life and build on people’s unique interests and strengths. They refer to strategies and tools that are used in many different situations and settings to support […]

Person-Centered Practices Standards [External link]

The purpose of this document is to identify those principles, values, approaches and methods essential to the implementation of all Person-Centered Practices.

Person-Centered Practices and Families: Steven and Tony

Steven’s and His Mother’s Story One Personal Futures Planning facilitator was very worried. The person’s mother was not saying anything at all during the Personal Futures Planning meeting. This was a mother that had often been very vocal about her views. The facilitator was concerned that she might be upset. They talked afterward, and the […]

Person-Centered Practices and Education: Renee

Renee’s Story Renee is a 6 year old. She has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. She lives with her mother, father and two older sisters in northwestern Minnesota. Renee attends a neighborhood school in a special education classroom. She has many friends with and without disabilities. Her family has always been careful to give […]
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