Additional Resources

The resources listed below can be used to explore topics in Module 1 in more detail.

World Health Organization Quality of Life Survey [External link]

WHO defines Quality of Life as an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

Centers for Disease Control Health-Related Quality of Life [External link]

Health-related quality of life (HRQL) focuses on the impact of health on a person’s ability to live a fulfilling life. HRQL represents a broad concepts of physical, psychological with social functioning and well-being that includes both positive and negative aspects.

The Family Quality of Life Survey [External link]

The Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale (hereafter referred to as FQOL Scale) assesses families’ perceptions of their satisfaction with different aspects of family quality of life.

NCAPPS Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment [External link]

This Self-Assessment is designed to help leadership at human service agencies in States, Tribes, and Territories to measure their progress in developing a more person-centered system.

This is Me from the Alzheimer’s Society [External link]

A tool to help to reduce distress for a person who has dementia, delirium or other communication difficulties dealing with changes, like moving to an unfamiliar place or meeting new people who contribute to their care.

Person-Centered Thinking and Planning Training Opportunities Website [External link]

A website with information to support people in finding training for families, people with lived experience, professionals and others who are seeking to better understand how Person-centered practices and positive supports are at the forefront as services shift away from a system-centered focus
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