Additional Resources
The resources listed below can be used to explore topics in Module 1 in more detail.
Waiver and Alternative Care Programs Overview [External link]
Minnesota DHS information about Waiver and Alternative Care programsAge and Disabilities Odyssey Conference [External link]
This forum brings together trusted sources on aging and disability services for Minnesotans. It offers opportunities to learn and connect through story-sharing and celebration. You'll end up feeling inspired, validated and ready to dig in.Person-Centered Thinking and Planning Training Opportunities Website [External link]
A website with information to support people in finding training for families, people with lived experience, professionals and others who are seeking to better understand how Person-centered practices and positive supports are at the forefront as services shift away from a system-centered focusThe Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices [External link]
Website for an organization that promotes sharing and learning through virtual and in-person gatherings and webinars and an interactive websiteModule 1 Resources
Organization-Wide PCP
Implementing Organization-Wide Person-Centered Practices Introduction Person-centered planning is a strategy that brings a team together to celebrate the strengths of a person, listen closely to the person’s interests and aspirations, and help this person achieve a meaningful and fulfilling life. There are a number of different models for facilitating person-centered plans (click here to […]Learn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices
Being person-centered is a way of thinking and acting that empowers people to have a high quality of life. Person-centered practices assist people in creating a positive and meaningful life and build on people’s unique interests and strengths. They refer to strategies and tools that are used in many different situations and settings to support […]Person-Centered Practices (PCP)
- What are Person- Centered Practices (PCP)
- Stories Across the Lifespan
- PCP Standards of Practice
- Learn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices
- Person-Centered Practices and Promoting Quality of Life
- Organization-wide Person-Centered Practices