Skill Building: Skill Building: Promotion of well-being and wellness for people we are supporting and ourselves (Video) [External link] Day 6 Skill Building Recording for Community-Based Positive Behavior Supports Training
Maintaining Success: Day 6 Didactic (Recording) [External link] Day 6 Didactic Recording for Community-Based Positive Behavior Supports Training
Skill Building: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Video) [External link] Day 5 Skill Building Recording for Community-Based Positive Behavior Supports Training
Skill Building: Historical Trauma (Video) [External link] Recording of a day 4 skill building exercise in the Community-Based Positive Behavior Supports Training
Skill Building: Interaction skills training (Video) [External link] Day 2 Skill Building: Community-Based Positive Supports Mini-Training
Skill Building: Creating a Supportive Environment (Video) [External link] Day 1 Skill Building: Community-Based Positive Supports Mini-Training
Day 2 Didactic Recording [External link] Video of a presentation about positive approaches to challenging behavior
Assessment, Intervention, and Resources for Self-Injury and Aggression: Day 5 Didactic (Recording) [External link] Video of a presentation on Assessment, Intervention, and Resources For Self-Injury and Aggression.
Introduction to Community-Based Positive Supports (Video) [External link] Video of a presentation about Community-Based Positive Supports