
Below is a list of resources for people who want to learn more details about the topics in this section.

Negotiation Strategies [External link]

Whether you're hammering out the details of a multimillion dollar business deal, allocating responsibilities among your project team, or just haggling over where to order takeout, you're negotiating. And the better you do it, the more likely you'll be happy with the outcome.

One Page Profiles Helen Sanderson Associates [External link]

We believe that one-page profiles are the foundation of personalization, and can lead to positive change for people all ages and any ability. They provide us a snapshot of what really matters to people, that can be taken with them as they move through services and come into contact with people. They are helpful in many settings including within teams to build trust and relationships among co-workers.

How to Implement Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy [External link]

This manual offers direct service providers guidance in overcoming obstacles to implementing TF-CBT for therapists, clinical supervisors, program administrators, and other stakeholders who are considering the use of TF-CBT for traumatized children in their communities.

Birth Parents With Trauma Histories and the Child Welfare System [External link]

Judges and attorneys who work in the child welfare system are well aware that many of the children in the system have experienced trauma1; less well recognized is that the birth parents of these children often have their own histories of childhood and adult trauma
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