Module 3

Planning Effective Meetings and Conferences (Checklist) [External link]

This Checklist offers helpful suggestions in many areas of event planning, including choosing a location, using respectful language for registration questions about accommodations, and tips on refreshments and meals.

Developing Facilitation Skills [External link]

Learn how to plan well, keep members involved, and create real leadership opportunities in your organization and skills in your members.

This is Me from the Alzheimer’s Society [External link]

A tool to help to reduce distress for a person who has dementia, delirium or other communication difficulties dealing with changes, like moving to an unfamiliar place or meeting new people who contribute to their care.

What are Trauma Informed Approaches?

Traumatic experiences are more common than people once thought. Nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population report that they have had one or more traumatic events occur in their lives.  People with developmental or other disabilities are at a higher risk. People may suffer from trauma due to loss, abuse, neglect, war, and other events. These […]

Systems of Care and Wraparound Planning

Systems of Care Parents of children and youth who need mental health supports are often expected to communicate with more than one service system. These services might be related to juvenile justice, children and family services, special education, mental health, and developmental disabilities. When these services are not coordinated well, parents are left on their […]

Charting the LifeCourse [External link]

This planning approach helps people and their families identify the best life a person wants to live by developing a vision for a good life, thinking about what is needed and considering the types of supports that will help.
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