Module 2

Module 2 Resources

Module 2 – Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior This module provides an overview of how to assess and plan to implement positive strategies for supporting a person who engages in challenging behavior. Additional Assessment & Function-Based Interventions ICI PBS Intensive Class

World Health Organization Quality of Life Survey [External link]

WHO defines Quality of Life as an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

Centers for Disease Control Health-Related Quality of Life [External link]

Health-related quality of life (HRQL) focuses on the impact of health on a person’s ability to live a fulfilling life. HRQL represents a broad concepts of physical, psychological with social functioning and well-being that includes both positive and negative aspects.

The Family Quality of Life Survey [External link]

The Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale (hereafter referred to as FQOL Scale) assesses families’ perceptions of their satisfaction with different aspects of family quality of life.

Positive Behavior Support Trainings

PBS Intensive Series Applying Positive Behavior Supports in Minnesota Human Service Settings Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is framework that helps people make positive changes in their lives. A PBS plan starts with person-centered planning and values so that teams can use the principles of behavior to improve quality of life and decrease challenging social interactions. […]

APBS PBS Standards of Practice: Individual Level [External link]

Over the years the practices associated with positive behavior support have evolved as our field improves on how to best serve and improve the quality of life for individuals as evidenced by the APBS Mission, Vision, and Equity Statement. To address diverse needs a set of guidelines has been developed that are designed to be applied across a wide range of settings (school, home, community) and with diverse populations.
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