Module 2

The Pyramid Model [External link]

The Pyramid Model was developed to define the evidence-based practices and approaches that can be used within a program to promote young children’s social emotional competence and address challenging behavior.

Families: Eight Practical Tips for Parents of Young Children with Challenging Behavior [External link]

Has life with your young child become filled with conflict and confusion? Does it seem as if even the simplest activity can turn quickly into disaster when your child’s behavior is out of control? You’re not alone. Many, if not most, parents find themselves struggling with the challenging behavior of their young child at some point in time. The good news is that there are evidence-based, effective strategies that you can use to create positive solutions for your family

SAMHSA Wellness Worksheet [External link]

This guide offers a broad approach for things we can do—at our own pace, in our own time, and within our own abilities—that can help us feel better and live longer.
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