Wraparound, Systems of Care, and Person-Centered Planning

LifeCourse Library Tools [External link]

Whether you are new to Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools, or more experienced, you are in the right place! In the Foundational Tools section of the website, you will find a core set of practical tools you can use for planning, problem-solving, or just thinking about what you want and don’t want now or in the future.

Helen Sanderson Associates Person-Centered Thinking Tools [External link]

Person-centered thinking tools are a set of easy-to-use templates that are used to give structure to conversations. Using them is a practical way to capture information that feeds into person-centered planning, as well as to improve understanding, communication and relationships.

NCAPPS Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment [External link]

This Self-Assessment is designed to help leadership at human service agencies in States, Tribes, and Territories to measure their progress in developing a more person-centered system.

Systems of Care Standards [External link]

Version 2.0 the National Standards, a core set of structure and process standards for systems of care for CYSHCN
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