
Below is a list of resources for people who want to learn more details about the topics in this section.

Module 1 Resources

Module 1 – Introduction to Community-Based Positive Supports This module provides an overview of Community-Based Wraparound Planning including important elements needed when supporting people who moving out of the hospital into community settings.

Early Childhood Equity Coaching Guide [External link]

The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide provides the classroom coach with a reflection tool to examine the implementation of Pyramid Model practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices and identification of implicit bias

What are Trauma Informed Approaches?

Traumatic experiences are more common than people once thought. Nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population report that they have had one or more traumatic events occur in their lives.  People with developmental or other disabilities are at a higher risk. People may suffer from trauma due to loss, abuse, neglect, war, and other events. These […]

Systems of Care and Wraparound Planning

Systems of Care Parents of children and youth who need mental health supports are often expected to communicate with more than one service system. These services might be related to juvenile justice, children and family services, special education, mental health, and developmental disabilities. When these services are not coordinated well, parents are left on their […]

What are Systems of Care?

Children and youth with behavioral health needs may use one or more services in their lives. These services include mental health, juvenile justice, child welfare, public health, education, and health care. Families can find it difficult to access more than one of these services. It is even harder to support a child or young person […]

Learn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices

Being person-centered is a way of thinking and acting that empowers people to have a high quality of life. Person-centered practices assist people in creating a positive and meaningful life and build on people’s unique interests and strengths. They refer to strategies and tools that are used in many different situations and settings to support […]
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