Module 1
What are Systems of Care?
Children and youth with behavioral health needs may use one or more services in their lives. These services include mental health, juvenile justice, child welfare, public health, education, and health care. Families can find it difficult to access more than one of these services. It is even harder to support a child or young person […]NCAPPS Five Competency Domains for Staff Who Facilitate Person-Centered Planning [External link]
This resource describes five skill areas, or domains, that facilitators should possess to support a fully person-centered planning process.Person-Centered Dementia Care Assessment Tool [External link]
A Guide for creating quality of life and successfully refocusing behavior for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia in long term care settingsLearn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices
Being person-centered is a way of thinking and acting that empowers people to have a high quality of life. Person-centered practices assist people in creating a positive and meaningful life and build on people’s unique interests and strengths. They refer to strategies and tools that are used in many different situations and settings to support […]Person-Centered Practices (PCP)
- What are Person- Centered Practices (PCP)
- Stories Across the Lifespan
- PCP Standards of Practice
- Learn More about Person-Centered Planning & Practices
- Person-Centered Practices and Promoting Quality of Life
- Organization-wide Person-Centered Practices