Community-Based Positive Supports

Stokes, T. F., & Baer, D. M. (1977). An implicit technology of generalization. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 10(2), 349-367. [External link]

Traditionally, discrimination has been understood as an active process, and a technology of its procedures has been developed and practiced extensively. Generalization, by contrast, has been considered the natural result of failing to practice a discrimination technology adequately, and thus has remained a passive concept almost devoid of a technology.

The Importance of Contextual Fit [External link]

Implementation science informs us that local context is important to the successful adoption of evidence-based interventions. “Contextual fit” is based on the premise that the match between an intervention and local context affects both the quality of intervention implementation and whether the intervention actually produces the desired outcomes for children and families.

Lucyshyn, J. M., Albin, R. W., Horner, R. H., Mann, J. C., Mann, J. A., & Wadsworth, G. (2007). Family implementation of positive behavior support for a child with autism: Longitudinal, single-case, experimental, and descriptive replication and extension. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 9(3), 131-150. [External link]

This study examined the efficacy, social validity, and durability of a positive behavior support (PBS) approach with the family of a girl with autism and severe problem behavior.

McIntosh, K., Filter, K. J., Bennett, J. L., Ryan, C., & Sugai, G. (2010). Principles of sustainable prevention: Designing scale‐up of school‐wide positive behavior support to promote durable systems. Psychology in the Schools, 47(1), 5-21. [External link]

In this article, we provide an overview of School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS), an approach to building protective school cultures and preventing the development of problem behavior through instruction, environmental redesign, and attention to systems-level variables.

Negotiation Strategies [External link]

Whether you're hammering out the details of a multimillion dollar business deal, allocating responsibilities among your project team, or just haggling over where to order takeout, you're negotiating. And the better you do it, the more likely you'll be happy with the outcome.

One Page Profiles Helen Sanderson Associates [External link]

We believe that one-page profiles are the foundation of personalization, and can lead to positive change for people all ages and any ability. They provide us a snapshot of what really matters to people, that can be taken with them as they move through services and come into contact with people. They are helpful in many settings including within teams to build trust and relationships among co-workers.

Systems of Care Standards [External link]

Standards for Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
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