Criminal Justice

Trauma Informed Approaches and Mental Health: TAMAR, EMDR, STAIR

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 The Regional Hospital’s psychiatric unit helps people with acute symptoms of mental illness who have committed a crime and faced criminal charges in Brookhaven. Many of the people admitted to the unit have histories of homelessness, emotional abuse or neglect, sexual abuse, and substance use. People suffer from […]

ABA and Juvenile Justice: Taylor

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 The Pond County Juvenile Corrections Facility works with youth ages 13-18. Due to an increase in challenging behavior among the youth, particularly loud arguing during transition times, fighting and refusal to complete schoolwork, the staff at the facility collaboratively implemented facility-wide positive behavior support. They communicated clear […]

Criminal Justice

Overview of Criminal Justice Criminal justice is a process for enforcing the law. People who are arrested face a number of penalties. Police, lawyers, courts, and correctional systems are used during the justice process. People who break the law receive some kind of punishment. Fines, time spent in jail, and other tasks are outcomes that […]
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