Universal PBS Training Packages

The materials in this section are available for purchase. These resources are not endorsed by mnpsp.org and is not responsible for the content presented.

Second Steps Curriculum [External link]

The Second Step family of programs helps make social-emotional learning (SEL) part of children’s daily lives, in and outside the classroom. When implemented holistically, SEL can create positive systemic change that builds safe learning environments and addresses the needs of children, educators, and communities.

Peers for Young Adults [External link]

PEERS for Young Adults presents the first evidence-based group treatment program for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as other neurodevelopmental disorders and social challenges.

AAIDD Positive Behavior Support Curriculum [External link]

This book is written for a range of professionals who support people with intellectual disability (ID) who have had single or multiple traumatic experiences, including loss, rejection, abuse, and endangerment.
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