Social Skills: Adults & Older People

Audio: Relaxation Strategies [External link]

A recorded series of relaxation exercises in English and Spanish. These exercises have been designed for use by families and Early Head Start and Head Start staff to help you reduce your stress.

PTSD Online Tools [External link]

A set of tools for dealing with the effects of PTSD

Making a Praise Sandwich [External link]

Giving and receiving feedback on one’s behavior can be stressful for both parties. Using an effective communication strategy, like “making a praise sandwich”, can help to moderate this stressful situation. There are three important aspects to making a praise sandwich when giving feedback to an individual: 1. A factual observation of what the he/she is doing well; 2. A description of “next steps” for any requested hanges in behavior; and 3. A compliment about something he/she did well.

Anger Management in Mental Health (SAMHSA) Workbook [External link]

This updated manual contains a 12-week cognitive–behavioral anger management group treatment model. The content includes specific instructions and suggested remarks for group leaders, and exercises for group members. This model will work in a variety of clinical settings, and with diverse audiences.

Independent Living Checklist [External link]

This form is designed to help the IEP team decide if a student needs a postsecondary goal in the area of independent living.

Be a Self-Advocate Super Hero [External link]

This Future Leaders of Self-Advocacy course is for teens and young adults with disabilities to learn how to be powerful and confident self-advocates.
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