Universal Social Skills

Mental Wellness for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities [External link]

When we think about how to support people with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are having a difficult time, we think about how the disability impacts the person’s life, or we look at what support to use to make things better. For people with problem behavior, we often consider why the person has difficulties. In other words, we are often focused on what is “wrong” with a person’s life. Sometimes we miss asking whether people are “well.” Are we thinking about how to support the person in engaging in a healthy lifestyle that will promote mental wellness and having a good life?

Wellness Self-Management Workbook [External link]

Personal workbook designed to reflect the principles of recovery, recognize the role of cultural and religious values, highlight the connection between mental and physical health and address the challenges of providing wellness self-management services in a group modality.

It’s My Choice [External link]

This resource guide will look at ways that you can help support freedom of choice for people with developmental disabilities.

Introduction to Mindfulness [External link]

Simple as it may sound, mindfulness transforms how we relate to events and experiences. It creates a more spacious way of being in the world that is less reactive and generally happier.

Audio: Relaxation Strategies [External link]

A recorded series of relaxation exercises in English and Spanish. These exercises have been designed for use by families and Early Head Start and Head Start staff to help you reduce your stress.

PTSD Online Tools [External link]

A set of tools for dealing with the effects of PTSD

Making a Praise Sandwich [External link]

Giving and receiving feedback on one’s behavior can be stressful for both parties. Using an effective communication strategy, like “making a praise sandwich”, can help to moderate this stressful situation. There are three important aspects to making a praise sandwich when giving feedback to an individual: 1. A factual observation of what the he/she is doing well; 2. A description of “next steps” for any requested hanges in behavior; and 3. A compliment about something he/she did well.
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