School-Linked Mental Health Services

Article: Integration of Education and Mental Health [External link]

Education and mental health integration will be advanced when the goal of mental health includes effective schooling and the goal of effective schools includes the healthy functioning of students. To build a solid foundation for this reciprocal agenda, especially within the zeitgeist of recent educational reforms, a change in the fundamental framework within which school mental health is conceptualized is needed.

A Framework for Successful Schools [External link]

A framework that seeks to reinforce the interdisciplinary, collaborative, and cohesive approach that is required to create and sustain genuinely safe, supportive schools that meet the needs of the whole child.

School-based mental health: An empirical guide for decision-makers [External link]

As we enter the new millennium, there is increasing concern about the growing number of children and adolescents who experience difficulties facing the challenges of development and who succumb to the adverse effects of emotional disturbance. This increase in the need to support America’s youth occurs in a context of system transformation aimed at improving the effectiveness of services and increasing the capacity to serve all children who are in need.

Learn More about School-Linked Mental Health Services

Children and youth spend a significant amount of time participating in public education, and, therefore, schools are a location where mental health assessment, prevention, early identification, and treatment can be provided. Untreated, mental health issues can create a significant barrier for children and youth as they seek learning and educational success. Placing children’s mental health […]
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