This page includes presentations and resources that are no longer in What’s New. You can find important presentations and resources on Positive Supports on this page.
Objective: Team design is meticulously specified for assertive community treatment (ACT) teams, yet performance can vary across ACT teams, even those with high fidelity. By developing and validating the Teamwork in Assertive Community Treatment (TACT) scale, investigators examined the role of team processes in ACT performance.
Families comprising a parent, child, or youth who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) or transitioning navigate
varying levels of acceptance and support when accessing and utilizing needed services within the mental health system.
The landscape for the organization and financing of behavioral health services for children and adolescents is rapidly shifting in the United States as a result
of state and local budgetary pressures, large-scale Medicaid redesign initiatives in states, and opportunities and challenges posed by national health reform
An Introduction to PBS is a short animation - just six minutes long – that gives an overview of PBS and how PBS approaches work in practice when supporting an individual.