PBS Plans

Contextual Fit Survey [External link]

The purpose of this inventory is to identify situations in which your child is more likely to show problem behavior. Typically, this inventory would be filled out by a parent.

Translated Materials

Below you can find translated tools and materials in various languages. If you would like one of the following resources in a language other than those listed, please submit a request here with your name, email, and the desired resource and language. New Quality of Life Tools Quality of Life: A Tool for Caregivers (English version) Amharic […]

One Page Profiles Helen Sanderson Associates [External link]

We believe that one-page profiles are the foundation of personalization, and can lead to positive change for people all ages and any ability. They provide us a snapshot of what really matters to people, that can be taken with them as they move through services and come into contact with people. They are helpful in many settings including within teams to build trust and relationships among co-workers.

All About Me [External link]

A "communication passport" to help support team members get to know a person and how the communicate.

World Health Organization Quality of Life Survey [External link]

WHO defines Quality of Life as an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

The Family Quality of Life Survey [External link]

The Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale (hereafter referred to as FQOL Scale) assesses families’ perceptions of their satisfaction with different aspects of family quality of life.
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