Functional Behavior Assessment

Positive Environment Checklist [External link]

The Positive Environment Checklist (PEC) is designed for use in evaluating whether the settings in which persons with disabilities live, work, and go to school are structured in a manner that promotes and maintains positive, adaptive behaviors.

Mental Wellness for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities [External link]

When we think about how to support people with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are having a difficult time, we think about how the disability impacts the person’s life, or we look at what support to use to make things better. For people with problem behavior, we often consider why the person has difficulties. In other words, we are often focused on what is “wrong” with a person’s life. Sometimes we miss asking whether people are “well.” Are we thinking about how to support the person in engaging in a healthy lifestyle that will promote mental wellness and having a good life?

Reinforcement Inventory [External link]

Questionnaire about experiences that may give a person joy, satisfaction, or pleasurable feelings

FAST [External link]

Functional Analysis Screening Tool

FACTS Form [External link]

Efficient Functional Behavior Assessment: The Functional Assessment Checklist forvTeachers and Staff
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