Many people with disabilities want an opportunity to be part of the general workforce, but don’t see how it’s possible or aren’t given resources they need to work. Minnesota works to help people with disabilities find competitive, integrated employment. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) supports an Employment First approach.
Youth found within juvenile justice may need to be assessed for trauma, mental health and substance abuse issues. Treatment providers must be prepared to work with the multiple agencies that a youth and their family may be involved with.
Sadly, youth—with and without disabilities—who become entangled in juvenile justice generally have poor transition outcomes related to reintegration and recidivism. Helping these youth pave the road to a more promising future presents major challenges for the varied adults charged with their care as well as the youth themselves.
We examined data from two randomized intervention trials (one male sample and one female sample) with delinquent adolescents placed either in Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) or in group care. Path analyses suggested that the MTFC youth had fewer associations with delinquent peers at 12 months than did the group care youth.
The Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team seeks to improve the lives of children and their families through research on the implementation and outcomes of the Wraparound process.
"Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” At some point, a parent, teacher, coach, or supervisor probably has given you this sage advice. Did you ever ask (maybe to yourself) whether there was evidence to support it? In fact there is. Research tells us we should heed this guidance when delivering our children’s behavioral health services.