This monograph is about improving the quality of life and outcomes for children and youth, especially those children who are at risk for or experiencing emotional and behavioral challenges.
Person-centered thinking tools are a set of easy-to-use templates that are used to give structure to conversations. Using them is a practical way to capture information that feeds into person-centered planning, as well as to improve understanding, communication and relationships.
Sam Waterston introduces this video documenting Wraparound Milwaukee's community-based system of care which provides comprehensive, highly individualized, family-directed services to youth with emotional and mental health needs and their families. The program is a 2009 winner of the Innovations in American Government Awards.
Mental Health Overview Emotional health and wellness is an important part of a person’s quality of life. Mental health can change how we think, feel and act in life. It also helps us deal with stress, build friendships with people, and make good choices. People who have problems with mental health may experience changes in […]