Mental Health

Assessing the Wraparound Process During Family Planning Meetings [External link]

Research and evaluation of the wraparound process has typically focused on outcomes, service providers, and costs. While many of these studies describe a process that is consistent with the wraparound approach, few studies have reported attempts to monitor or measure the treatment fidelity of the wraparound process. The purpose of this study was to assess the fidelity of the wraparound process in a community-based system of care using the Wraparound Observation Form-Second Version. Results from 112 family planning meetings indicated some strengths and weaknesses within the current system.

Wraparound is Doing Well: An Evidence-based Statement [External link]

"Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” At some point, a parent, teacher, coach, or supervisor probably has given you this sage advice. Did you ever ask (maybe to yourself) whether there was evidence to support it? In fact there is. Research tells us we should heed this guidance when delivering our children’s behavioral health services.

Culturally Sensitive Collaboration within Person-Centered Planning (2003) [External link]

Person-centered planning (PCP) is a method of support for both individuals and systems. Through this process, individuals, families, and communities are strengthened by a focus on respective strengths and needs. Open-mindedness and attention to successful communication are some of the hallmarks of the procedures. These procedures are conducive to creating bridges and eliminating barriers for individuals and families who differ in some way from the normative culture.

Cost Effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment [External link]

To determine the cost-effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) in comparison to Standard Case Management (SCM) for persons with severe mental illness and substance use disorders.

Information About MAPS [External link]

To facilitate a group, family, team or organization in thinking together around a given challenge or issue here is an opportunity to experience for real the person-centered, futures planning tool – MAP
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