Older adults are less likely to access mental health treatment, whether due to stigma, lack of access to providers, or the misconception that conditions like depression, anxiety, or others are a normal part of aging.
What can be done today to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are aging?” That’s the focus of this issue of Impact. The articles in these pages give a variety of responses to the question. From self-advocates we hear of the importance of having opportunities to be active participants in their communities, to be listened to as they speak up for themselves, and to continue to pursue their own goals and dreams for their lives. From siblings we hear about the necessity to respond to the concerns that keep them awake at night as they deal with the aging of all their family members, including parents who may have been primary caregivers for their brothers or sisters with disabilities. From researchers we hear of the policy and service issues that need to be addressed as the number of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities over 60 years of age is projected to grow to 1.2 million in the next 20 years. And we hear from practitioners as they describe some of the promising approaches to ensuring quality service and supports that address the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our hope is that readers of this issue will find some fresh perspectives and information that will be useful to them as they journey with the aging adults with disabilities who are in their lives.
This guide is intended to educate and empower community service providers in their work with AAPI families. It’s one of the tools created by The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) and the Alzheimer’s Association through their national partnership to improve the quality of life for AAPI individuals with Alzheimer’s and their
caregivers. Here you will find information and action steps that will strengthen your knowledge and skills to help this fast-growing segment of the population.
Odyssey events work to make life better for Minnesotans. This forum brings together trusted sources on aging and disability services. It offers opportunities to learn and connect through story-sharing and celebration. You'll end up feeling inspired, validated and ready to dig in.
DHS licenses certain home and community-based services provided to people with disabilities and those ages 65 and older. Most of the services are funded under one of Minnesota’s Medicaid waiver programs: Brain Injury (BI), Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI), Developmental Disabilities (DD), and Elderly Waiver/Alternative Care Program (EW/AC). Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)