Odyssey events work to make life better for Minnesotans. This forum brings together trusted sources on aging and disability services. It offers opportunities to learn and connect through story-sharing and celebration. You'll end up feeling inspired, validated and ready to dig in.
DHS licenses certain home and community-based services provided to people with disabilities and those ages 65 and older. Most of the services are funded under one of Minnesota’s Medicaid waiver programs: Brain Injury (BI), Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI), Developmental Disabilities (DD), and Elderly Waiver/Alternative Care Program (EW/AC). Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
Over the years the practices associated with positive behavior support have evolved as our field improves on how to best serve and improve the quality of life for individuals as evidenced by the APBS Mission, Vision, and Equity Statement. To address diverse needs a set of guidelines has been developed that are designed to be applied across a wide range of settings (school, home, community) and with diverse populations.
The goal of the MNPBS Standards is to improve services for people of all ages and to share a common positive behavior support language across settings.