Positive behavior support (PBS) is an applied science that uses educational and systems change methods (environmental redesign) to enhance quality of life and minimize problem behavior. PBS initially evolved within the field of developmental disabilities and emerged from three major sources: applied behavior analysis, the normalization/inclusion movement, and person-centered values.
SAMHSA has a number of products for serving older adults with mental and substance use disorders that can be useful to clinicians, other service providers, older adults, and caregivers.
Evidence-based programs (EBPs) offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease among older adults. They are based on research and provide documented health benefits, so you can be confident they work.
Person-centered planning (PCP) is now almost universally understood as a necessary component of an effective delivery system for long-term services and
supports (LTSS). Done well, person-centered planning can ensure greater independence and a better quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities receiving LTSS