Working together as a community is very important and requires different types of information that help improve quality of life. This page includes resources that are meant to support community connections. The following resources help communities work together to create natural supports. Regional Capacity Building For Positive Supports – Learn more about what is happening […]
How to Use This Page This page has been created for person-centered thinker trainers to access training materials. Reading this section will not provide someone new to this topic with enough information to use person-centered thinking. If you are interested in learning more about this practice but you are not a trainer yet, there are […]
The purpose of this page is to provide all of the Positive Supports training materials in one place for easier access. The purpose of this page is to provide access to all of the training materials and resources across different positive supports. Examples of the resources available on this page include general positive supports, applied behavior […]
This page includes resources to support teams interested in using positive supports. Teams are all different based on the unique organizations interested in putting new positive support practices in place. Some organizations are large with many different types of services offered while other organizations provide services to only one or two children or adults. The […]
Systems of Care Parents of children and youth who need mental health supports are often expected to communicate with more than one service system. These services might be related to juvenile justice, children and family services, special education, mental health, and developmental disabilities. When these services are not coordinated well, parents are left on their […]
Mental Health Overview Emotional health and wellness is an important part of a person’s quality of life. Mental health can change how we think, feel and act in life. It also helps us deal with stress, build friendships with people, and make good choices. People who have problems with mental health may experience changes in […]
Overview of Early Childhood Early childhood refers to education and supports for children up to age eight. Mothers, fathers, and other caregivers are a child’s first and most important teachers. A child’s growth during his early years is very important. Children who have a chance to live in positive social settings where they can learn […]
PBS Intensive Series Applying Positive Behavior Supports in Minnesota Human Service Settings Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is framework that helps people make positive changes in their lives. A PBS plan starts with person-centered planning and values so that teams can use the principles of behavior to improve quality of life and decrease challenging social interactions. […]