Tier 3

Community Living: Roberto, Don, Paul

EXAMPLE: Positive Behavior Support and Community Living Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 A new fast food restaurant opened in Oakwood City. The restaurant offers fast food items: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, kid’s meals, French fries, and ice cream. The menu lists items with the price for each type of food item. Recently, the restaurant […]

Children and Family Services: Garcia Family

EXAMPLE: Positive Behavior Support and Children and Family Services Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 The Garcia family includes Tom (dad) and Glenda (mom). They have four daughters: Natalie (12), Rebecca (10), Pati (8) and Julianna (6). Glenda’s mother, Elena, and Glenda’s adult sister, Victoria, also lives with the Garcia family. Victoria has […]

Positive Behavior Support and Aging: Kemal

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 River Bend supports elderly people with physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges. Participants can attend different types of activities three to five days per week. These activities provide opportunities for people to make new friends, mentor young people, and cook meals. Other activities include arts and crafts […]

Positive Behavior Support Individualized Planning

Person-Centered Planning The first step in an individualized positive behavior support process at Tier 3 prevention level is to set up a person-centered plan. A person-centered plan is used to identify the important routines, activities, and people that a person associates with increased enjoyment, and positive quality of life. The person-centered planning process is driven […]

Positive Behavior Support and Preventing Challenging Behavior Using the Public Health Model

A key feature of positive behavior support is its emphasis on systems change. Considering larger organizational issues can be a helpful way to create a positive climate and prevent challenging behavior. One way to think about positive behavior support and systems change is to consider the public health disease prevention model. This triangle describes how […]

Minnesota Positive Behavior Support Standards of Practice

Thanks for visiting the Standards of Practice page. This site is being  created with positive behavior support champions across the state of Minnesota who support children and adults across the lifespan. Each of the boxes below are meant to provide information to different community partners who are interested in positive behavior support. You can still […]

Defining Positive Support

The term Positive Support refers to strategies and practices that are: Person-centered in nature, sensitive to the unique cultures and backgrounds of each individual, and respectful towards people receiving these supports; Evidence-based or promising practices; Adapted and improved over time using assessment processes to guide use; and Often implemented with more than one evidence-based or […]

Organization-Wide PCP

Implementing Organization-Wide Person-Centered Practices   Introduction Person-centered planning is a strategy that brings a team together to celebrate the strengths of a person, listen closely to the person’s interests and aspirations, and help this person achieve a meaningful and fulfilling life. There are a number of different models for facilitating person-centered plans (click here to […]

PCP and Promoting Quality of Life

One way to think about person-centered practices from a systems perspective is to use a public health prevention model to promote health, wellness, and the best quality of life possible for everyone in a setting or across a community. This model refers to a continuum of strategies from simple to more complex depending upon the […]
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