Tier 3

Module 4 Resources

Module 4 – Long-Term Planning & Supports This module describes how to create a plan for long-term sustainability of the interventions selected and how to anticipate events that set the stage for challenging behavior including major life events that are a natural part of life.

Module 3 Resources

Module 3 – Skill Building Practices This module provides summarizes important skills that can create a positive environment and improve quality of life.

Module 2 Resources

Module 2 – Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior This module provides an overview of how to assess and plan to implement positive strategies for supporting a person who engages in challenging behavior. Additional Assessment & Function-Based Interventions ICI PBS Intensive Class

Module 1 Resources

Module 1 – Introduction to Community-Based Positive Supports This module provides an overview of Community-Based Wraparound Planning including important elements needed when supporting people who moving out of the hospital into community settings.

Person-Centered Practices

How to Use This Page This page has been created for person-centered thinker trainers to access training materials. Reading this section will not provide someone new to this topic with enough information to use person-centered thinking. If you are interested in learning more about this practice but you are not a trainer yet, there are […]
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