Tier 2

Autism Society COVID-19 Toolkit [External link]

The Autism Society of America believes that improving the vaccination experience is a critical step towards achieving more equitable healthcare for people with Autism and all neurodiverse individuals. As part of our strategic focus on health equity, the Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI) is a national program that addresses systemic barriers, while promoting vaccine education, confidence, and access.

COVID-19 Outbreak and Persons With Disabilities from the United Nations [External link]

Persons with disabilities generally have more health-care needs than others – both standard needs and needs linked to impairments – and are therefore more vulnerable to the impact of low quality or inaccessible health-care services than others. Compared to persons without disabilities, persons with disabilities are more likely to have poor health: among 43 countries, 42 per cent of persons with disabilities versus 6 per cent of persons without disabilities perceive their health as poor.

Improving Child Welfare Outcomes Through Systems of Care: Strategic Planning [External link]

The resources in this series can help identify opportunities to align federal and internal agency processes, including the Child and Family Services Plan/Annual Progress and Services Report (CFSP/APSR), Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan (CFSR PIP), and internal agency continuous quality improvement (CQI) work.

What Works: Systems Development Strategies Across Communities [External link]

The purpose of Case Studies of System Implementation is to understand how factors affecting system implementation contribute to the development of local systems of care for children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and their families.
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