Tier 1

Learn More about School-Linked Mental Health Services

Children and youth spend a significant amount of time participating in public education, and, therefore, schools are a location where mental health assessment, prevention, early identification, and treatment can be provided. Untreated, mental health issues can create a significant barrier for children and youth as they seek learning and educational success. Placing children’s mental health […]

ABA and Older Adults: River Bend Adult Day Program, Edwin

Example Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 River Bend Adult Day Program supports senior citizens with physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges. Participants attend day programs three to five days per week. The program provides opportunities to make friends and cook meals. They make arts and crafts, go on outings, and take wellness […]

Trauma Informed Approaches and Aging: Ruth

Example Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 Ruth is an 87-year woman who just moved to the city to be closer to her daughter after her husband passed away. Ruth’s daughter agreed to bring her meals on a weekly basis. Ruth is an independent person and prefers to spend time on her own. Ruth […]

Trauma Informed Approaches and the Public Health Model

Trauma informed care approaches are implemented across education and human service organizations. The triangle below describes a systems-change approach for promoting wellness and decreasing negative experiences due to trauma. The triangle below shows three levels of prevention: Universal or Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Each tier includes an increasing level of intensity that […]

Early Childhood

Overview of Early Childhood Early childhood refers to education and supports for children up to age eight. Mothers, fathers, and other caregivers are a child’s first and most important teachers. A child’s growth during his early years is very important. Children who have a chance to live in positive social settings where they can learn […]

Community Living

Community settings are very diverse. Restaurants, libraries, churches, and stores are part of the community. Social events and activities occur in community settings. City buildings where people go to vote and be part of town discussions are also part of the community. Each person is involved in the community in different ways. Young children, youth, […]

Positive Behavior Support Trainings

PBS Intensive Series Applying Positive Behavior Supports in Minnesota Human Service Settings Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is framework that helps people make positive changes in their lives. A PBS plan starts with person-centered planning and values so that teams can use the principles of behavior to improve quality of life and decrease challenging social interactions. […]

What’s New

Upcoming Events Great Positive Support Get Together Register for this free upcoming event Registration Details People Planning Together Training Read more about the People Planning Together Training Event Acute Care Transitions Advisory Council  Visit the MN DHS ACTAC Page Read the ACTAC Report PBS Intensive trainings are Back! Register for the PBS Intensive Trainings Access […]
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