
Upholding the Rights of People with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Pandemic [External link]

As we work to maintain the health and safety of people with disabilities - as well as their families and support professionals - throughout the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, it is imperative that we uphold individuals’ rights, as well as the core principles of equity, self-determination, and true belonging in community.

Module 1 Resources

Module 1 – Introduction to Community-Based Positive Supports This module provides an overview of Community-Based Wraparound Planning including important elements needed when supporting people who moving out of the hospital into community settings.

Community Resources

Working together as a community is very important and requires different types of information that help improve quality of life. This page includes resources that are meant to support community connections. The following resources help communities work together to create natural supports. Regional Capacity Building For Positive Supports – Learn more about what is happening […]

Regional Capacity Building

This page is under construction. The goal will be to highlight the work going on in different regions across Minnesota on positive support implementation. To get involved and learn more about this work, you can visit the Regional Capacity for Positive Supports page.  There are currently 4 pilot regions where groups are beginning to meet to […]

Evidence-Base for ABA and PBS

A Shared Basis in ABA Research Empirically-Supported Interventions Common Elements of Practice A Shared Basis in ABA Research Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) share the similar research foundations across practices. Both practices emphasize the importance of using research to drive planning processes for supporting people. Research used by both ABA and […]

Systems of Care and Wraparound Planning

Systems of Care Parents of children and youth who need mental health supports are often expected to communicate with more than one service system. These services might be related to juvenile justice, children and family services, special education, mental health, and developmental disabilities. When these services are not coordinated well, parents are left on their […]

Learn More about School-Linked Mental Health Services

Children and youth spend a significant amount of time participating in public education, and, therefore, schools are a location where mental health assessment, prevention, early identification, and treatment can be provided. Untreated, mental health issues can create a significant barrier for children and youth as they seek learning and educational success. Placing children’s mental health […]

Learn More About Assertive Community Treatment

Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a service delivery model for supporting persons with serious mental illness, multiple diagnoses and complex treatment needs. A goal of ACT is to promote recovery by providing access to treatment in the community that is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day and by providing rehabilitation. People […]
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