A hospital visit is always difficult for children with special care needs and their families, but even harder when it happens under stress. Preparing ahead of time can help support your child’s hospital experience. Here are some key things to prepare and have ready to go in case your child goes to the hospital.
The resources in this series can help identify opportunities to align federal and internal agency processes, including the Child and Family Services Plan/Annual Progress and Services Report (CFSP/APSR), Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan (CFSR PIP), and internal agency continuous quality improvement (CQI) work.
This paper describes an exploratory study on the relationship between systems of care with their individualized care component, and evidence-based practices.
Minnesota System of Care is a new way of helping children and youth with complex mental health needs and their families by connecting and coordinating the work of various systems and partners
This glossary contains the definitions of all the terms presented in the HCBS and Community-based supports modules in one place. For more description and information, check out the modules in the Team Training section of the website. ABC Chart: A tool used in Functional Behavioral Assessment or FBA that records information while observing behavior that […]
Wraparound has become a predominant tool for implementing interagency systems of care. The system of care concept was developed in the mid-1980s as a response to (a) a dearth of mental health and other services for students; (b) the fragmentation of services across mental health, education, child welfare and juvenile justice services; and (c) the history of poor outcomes for students with emotional disturbance and their families. The key idea behind the development of a system of care was a coordinated network of community-based services that is organized to meet student and family needs rather than agency needs.