This page is under revision. Access to some links may be limited. Minnesota is filled with people passionate and dedicated to using person-centered practices. These practices are at the heart of the work that we do in Minnesota. We value that people are living, learning, working, and are enjoying their life. We now have a way […]
How to Use This Page This page has been created for person-centered thinker trainers to access training materials. Reading this section will not provide someone new to this topic with enough information to use person-centered thinking. If you are interested in learning more about this practice but you are not a trainer yet, there are […]
The purpose of this page is to provide all of the Positive Supports training materials in one place for easier access. The purpose of this page is to provide access to all of the training materials and resources across different positive supports. Examples of the resources available on this page include general positive supports, applied behavior […]