People and Settings

ABA and Older Adults: River Bend Adult Day Program, Edwin

Example Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 River Bend Adult Day Program supports senior citizens with physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges. Participants attend day programs three to five days per week. The program provides opportunities to make friends and cook meals. They make arts and crafts, go on outings, and take wellness […]

Trauma Informed Approaches and Aging: Ruth

Example Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 Ruth is an 87-year woman who just moved to the city to be closer to her daughter after her husband passed away. Ruth’s daughter agreed to bring her meals on a weekly basis. Ruth is an independent person and prefers to spend time on her own. Ruth […]

Assertive Community Treatment History

A group of mental health professionals at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Wisconsin started Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). They recognized the high rate of readmission for people who were discharged from inpatient care in stable condition, only to return to the hospital soon afterward. This group reviewed how the mental health system worked in […]

Stories Across the Lifespan

The stories on this page describe how applied behavior analysis (ABA) can be used to improve quality of life and develop skills over time for children and adults.

Mental Health

Mental Health Overview Emotional health and wellness is an important part of a person’s quality of life. Mental health can change how we think, feel and act in life. It also helps us deal with stress, build friendships with people, and make good choices. People who have problems with mental health may experience changes in […]


People with Lived Experience and Advocacy People with lived experience who want to choose a positive support have a lot of choices. It can be hard to figure out how to pick a positive support that will be the best fit for each person’s needs. Finding the right person to help can be challenging as […]


Overview of Employment Employment is an important part of life for most people. Having a job allows people to make money and be independent. Many people report that their job helps them to feel like they are part of society. A person may describe her work as an important part of who she is as […]


Overview of Education Children attend school until they are young adults. Early childhood and kindergarten classes help children develop academic and social skills that they will need as they get older. Elementary and middle school students learn core academic and social skills. In high school, students prepare for jobs or get ready to attend college […]

Early Childhood

Overview of Early Childhood Early childhood refers to education and supports for children up to age eight. Mothers, fathers, and other caregivers are a child’s first and most important teachers. A child’s growth during his early years is very important. Children who have a chance to live in positive social settings where they can learn […]

Criminal Justice

Overview of Criminal Justice Criminal justice is a process for enforcing the law. People who are arrested face a number of penalties. Police, lawyers, courts, and correctional systems are used during the justice process. People who break the law receive some kind of punishment. Fines, time spent in jail, and other tasks are outcomes that […]
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