The purpose of this page is to provide all of the Positive Supports training materials in one place for easier access. The purpose of this page is to provide access to all of the training materials and resources across different positive supports. Examples of the resources available on this page include general positive supports, applied behavior […]
This page includes resources to support teams interested in using positive supports. Teams are all different based on the unique organizations interested in putting new positive support practices in place. Some organizations are large with many different types of services offered while other organizations provide services to only one or two children or adults. The […]
An Evaluation of the NW County Collaborative: Our Children Succeed InitiativeThis report describes the results of a study called “Our Children Succeed Initiative”, a systems of care effort that took place in Northwestern Minnesota. This Systems of care included 6 counties that were funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The […]
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 The Leon County Department of Family Services provides parent training for all foster families in the county. The training includes information about risk factors and early warning signs of mental and physical wellness challenges, especially among children and adolescents whose biological families are not able to care for them. […]
A poor, low-performing urban school district wanted to raise students’ math and reading test scores. The school district established a team to look at district data. They wanted to identify and address barriers to learning. Many students in school made some academic progress, but the school district realized that they needed a broader approach. They […]
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 North Shore School was a school for children in kindergarten through high school. The school just had a major flood from a nearby river during the summer. Many families lost their homes due to the flooding. School counselors had more requests during the next fall from students […]
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 Maple Farm is a small community of about 5,000 people. Maple Farm residents and the surrounding communities received brochures in the mail with information about mental wellness. A group of mental health practitioners in the community developed the materials. Additionally, the group facilitated community meetings to […]
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 Jefferson Elementary School implemented school wide positive behavior support.This new approach to behavior supports was put in place to address some problems in the school. In the previous school year, there were a high number of office discipline issues. Many of these were given because students were […]