People and Settings

Key Features Associated with Effective Positive Support Implementation

Here are some of the key features of the change process that have been reported across different types of successful positive support practices: Forming a Team Leaders within an organization interested in implementing positive support practices will create a team representing all of the individuals who are involved within and are impacted by an organization. […]

Implementation Science

The implementation of a positive support strategy within an organization changes over time. These stages are a natural part of implementing positive support practices over a long-term period of time. The exploration stage occurs when a team has not yet started training and technical assistance and is still assessing the readiness of an organization. The […]

Fidelity of Implementation

Assessing a positive support practice includes gathering information about how well individuals within an organization are implementing new skills. Individual and Team Self-Report Individuals or teams within an organization may review a list of key features considered essential parts of a positive support and document progress making sure these elements are implemented. A common term […]

Evaluating Challenging Behaviors

Behaviors are considered challenging due to injury to self or others, when property damage occurs, or everyday life events are disrupted. Sometimes challenges are considered minor disruptions in a home, school, work, or in community settings. In other cases, a challenging behavior may threaten a person’s placement at home, school, work, or in the community. […]

Measuring Quality of Life

The outcomes of a positive support practice will include assessment of changes related to the quality of life of persons receiving services. Individuals have always been interested in finding happiness and sense of well-being in their lives. Quality of life refers to the extent to which a person is experiencing positive life experiences across home, […]

Measuring Quality of Life Outcomes

The outcomes of a positive support practice will include assessment of changes related to the quality of life of persons receiving services. Individuals have always been interested in finding happiness and sense of well-being in their lives. Quality of life refers to the extent to which a person is experiencing positive life experiences across home, […]

Translated Materials

Below you can find translated tools and materials in various languages. If you would like one of the following resources in a language other than those listed, please submit a request here with your name, email, and the desired resource and language. New Quality of Life Tools Quality of Life: A Tool for Caregivers (English version) Amharic […]

Module 4 Resources

Module 4 – Long-Term Planning & Supports This module describes how to create a plan for long-term sustainability of the interventions selected and how to anticipate events that set the stage for challenging behavior including major life events that are a natural part of life.
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