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MNPBS Resources

MNPBS Related Content Message from MNPBS Network – Response to the Murder of George Floyd MNPBS Brochure Exemplary Communities Tiered Implementation Across the Lifespan  MNPBS Presentations APBS 2021 Conference Presentation PBIS and Aligned Initiatives: How do We Make This All Fit Together? Minnesota Department of Education & Minnesota Department of Human Services Working Together Building […]

Thirty Years Later: The Long-Term Effect of Boarding Schools on Alaska Natives and Their Communities [External link]

In 2004 and 2005 we gathered information on how boarding school and boarding home experiences affected individual Alaska Natives, their families, and communities. From the early 1900s to the 1970s Alaska Natives were taken from rural communities that lacked either primary or secondary schools and sent to boarding schools run by the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), by private churches or, later, by Alaska’s state government. Some were also sent to boarding homes to attend school in urban places.

Engaging Women in Trauma-Informed Peer Support [External link]

This guide was created for a very specific purpose: to help make trauma-informed peer support available to women who are trauma survivors and who receive or have received mental health and/or substance abuse services.

Federal Interagency Report on Women and Trauma-informed Approaches [External link]

You are invited to download a groundbreaking report, Trauma-informed Approaches: Federal Activities and Initiatives—the second and highly anticipated Working Document Report of the Federal Partners Committee on Women and Trauma. Completed on September 30, 2013, the report documents the projects, programs, and initiatives of more than three dozen federal agencies, departments, and offices—one of the largest interagency collaborations in federal government history.

Autism Certification Center – Autism Course [External link]

ASD Strategies in Action gives families and service providers tools to ensure they are equipped to effectively care for, support, educate, employ, or work with individuals on the autism spectrum from early childhood to young adulthood.

Minnesota Department of Health Autism Page [External link]

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized by differences in social interaction and communication, as well as the presence of restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interest or activities. People who have ASD may experience a range of symptoms and characteristics.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan [External link]

You can use WRAP for support in any area of your life. This site contains many examples of sample WRAPs for different life situations, as do the stories contained in the different topic areas of the WRAP Can Help section. See the scroller below for a section of some of our most popular sample plans.

Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment [External link]

The Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT) model is an evidence-based practice that improves quality of life for people with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders by combining substance abuse services with mental health services. It helps people address both disorders at the same time—in the same service organization by the same team of treatment providers.

About Us

Minnesota Positive Behavior Support (MNPBS) Standards of Practice: Positive Behavior Support Across the Lifespan The MNPBS Network has finished the Minnesota Standards of Practice! Minnesota Standards of Practice Monograph This is considered version 1.0. We welcome your guidance and feedback for future updates. Email to provide your review. Purpose of MNPBS The Minnesota Positive […]
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