Dupree Edwards, a self- advocate, Arc Board Member, and staff at the University of Minnesota Institute on Community Integration is interviewed on the topic of positive behavior support by Margaret Moore. 2/26/2024
In late 2010, the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), in partnership with the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) at the University of South Carolina, conducted a national survey of state developmental disabilities agency policies and practices regarding behavior supports.
Recorded May 10, 2024. Day two topics included: a review of positive behavior support, establishing goals, steps of FBA and FBI process, creating a function-based behavior intervention plan, PBS prevention strategies, replacement strategies, response strategies, and a review of case studies highlighting a variety of strategies.
Recorded on May 1, 2024. Day one topics included: the 3- component model of anxiety, assessing anxiety in Autism, and various strategies for treating anxiety integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
This page includes presentations and resources that are no longer in What’s New. You can find important presentations and resources on Positive Supports on this page.
This shorter Organization-Wide Training was initially designed for Small Provider Agencies using a webinar zoom-based format. The recording and presentation slides were organized for 3, three-hour trainings. You can use all or parts of this training to share information with your team. You can use these resources along with the HCBS modules included on the the […]
Standards of Practice: Positive Behavior Support Across the Lifespan The MNPBS Network has finished the Minnesota Standards of Practice! Minnesota Standards of Practice Monograph This is considered version 1.0. We welcome your guidance and feedback for future updates. Email mnpbsnetwork@gmail.com to provide your review. Please visit the Standards page to see the organization and the […]
This glossary contains the definitions of all the terms presented in the HCBS and Community-based supports modules in one place. For more description and information, check out the modules in the Team Training section of the website. ABC Chart: A tool used in Functional Behavioral Assessment or FBA that records information while observing behavior that […]