Community Living

Using Social Stories to Support People with IDD During the COVID-19 Emergency [External link]

Social stories can be used with adults and children; they are a tool to help provide directions and examples of appropriate ways to respond to social situations. The goal of a social story is to illustrate and clarify expectations while building skills such as coping and emotional regulation.

Download COVID-19 Social Stories to Explain Changes [External link]

In an effort to continue working to provide timely, relevant, and targeted support and resource to our community, we have made IN CLINIC – Nasal Test the COVID-19 Social stories created by the Autism Society of America available for download from our website. To view the full COVID-19 Resource toolkit provided by ASA

Covid-19 Vaccine Information in Plain Language [External link]

This 4-page booklet was created by and for people with intellectual disabilities. It is written in plain language. It includes basic information people need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Wearing Masks [External link]

According to the Center for Disease Control, children under 2 years of age should not wear masks. Any child wearing a mask should never be left unattended.

Self-Care During COVID-19 [External link]

This activity book is meant to guide your self-care practices as we get through COVID-19 together. Use all of these practices or only some of them. It is up to you.
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