Community Living

Module 2 Resources

These resources are referred to directly in Module 2: Using a Team Approach.

Minnesota PCT Community of Practice

This page is under revision. Access to some links may be limited. Minnesota is filled with people passionate and dedicated to using person-centered practices. These practices are at the heart of the work that we do in Minnesota. We value that people are living, learning, working, and are enjoying their life. We now have a way […]

Training For Teams

This page includes resources to support teams interested in using positive supports. Teams are all different based on the unique organizations interested in putting new positive support practices in place. Some organizations are large with many different types of services offered while other organizations provide services to only one or two children or adults. The […]

ABA and Community Living: Roberto, Don, and Paul

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 A new fast food restaurant opened in Oakwood City. The restaurant offers fast food items: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, kid’s meals, French fries, and ice cream. The menu lists items with the price for each type of food item. Recently, the restaurant modified their menu structure. Now, […]

Stories Across the Lifespan: All Stories

Criminal Justice and the Community Person-Centered Practices and Aging (Eveleth) EXAMPLE: Eveleth’s Story Eveleth lived in her own apartment in downtown St. Paul and had a great circle of friends. She was very independent in … Assertive Community Treatment (Jose) Jose has struggled to handle his mental illness for the past twenty years. He experiences […]

Stories Across the Lifespan

The stories on this page describe how trauma informed approaches can be used to prevent harmful events and build new skills that help with coping for children and adults.

What are Trauma Informed Approaches?

Traumatic experiences are more common than people once thought. Nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population report that they have had one or more traumatic events occur in their lives.  People with developmental or other disabilities are at a higher risk. People may suffer from trauma due to loss, abuse, neglect, war, and other events. These […]
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