This article titled “Building Agency Capacity For Family Involvement in Child Welfare” is about systems of care family to improve outcomes for families on the welfare systems. Please click the title to read the full article.
In connection to the previous article regarding systemic discrimination endured by LGBTQ youth, today’s article is about Mental Health Awareness. Oct 10th, 2020 is World Mental Health Day. Access the full article by The University of Minnesota Medical Student Researchers Addressing Mental Health Needs During Covid-10. Helpful Resources: Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at […]
Accessibility and Employment: Telework for Employers and Employee’s: The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) published the “Telework and Accessibility Toolkit” to equip employers, employees, and hiring professionals with the information needed to ensure the digital workplace is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. It incorporates resources on creating accessible digital communications, being […]