A recent article from MinnPost, titled Let’s End 14c, discusses ending legislation that allows employers to pay workers with disabilities less than minimum wage.
A research article, from Psychiatry Online, titled Moving Assertive Community Treatment Into Standard Practice, describes the assertive community treatment model for folks with severe mental illness. It discusses issues with implementing the model.
The United Kingdom PBS Alliance with Bild created a useful infographic titled What Does Good PBS Look Like Now? How to Spot It. The infographic is organized into color coded columns titled “Not PBS”, “Some PBS”, and “Good PBS.” This tool is meant to help people identify how well PBS is implemented in practice. A […]
April if Autism Acceptance month. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in collaboration with the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network released a new 2023 Community Report on Autism. Linked is the CDC’s page, which includes the full report, an easy to read summary of the latest Autism data, and a table of contents […]
The Workers Unite! Film Festival is recognizing care workers recognition month by making free on-demand screenings of films available. The featured films all showcase care workers and include the titles: Care, Empathy is Essential, Invaluable: The Unrecognized Profession of Direct Support, and No Shortcuts to Change. Films will be available April 21- 30.
The TIES Center has the TIES Inclusive Practice Series (TIPS). They are highlighting the power of using peers to support AAC use by students with significant disabilities. This resource comes with embedded videos as well as additional resources. Read TIP #1: How Peers Can Support AAC Use by Students with Significant Communication Needs
This is a version of the National Program Standards for Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams updated in June 2003. This document includes minimum standards for program operation, brief descriptions of the rational for many of the ACT requirements that may be difficult to understand and implement, and the modifications have been used to emphasize that […]
Assertive community treatment (ACT) is a form of community- based mental health care for those experiencing serious mental illness. The linked article, titled The Basics of Assertive Community Treatment by Arlin Cuncic, explores ACT including it’s definition, history, who the treatment serves, ACT locations, characteristics, services provided by ACT, key components, benefits, and criticisms.
Routines are helpful for all people, but can be especially helpful for families implementing positive behavior support. Visit our resource today for a variety of resources aimed at helping families create routines. Resources include training videos in English and Spanish, templates for creating routines, and educator lesson plans.
The National Library of Congress’s site has a variety of resources and events for educators, art enthusiasts, music lovers, book readers, documentary viewers, and life long learners.