
Assertive Community Treatment: Melissa

Melissa is 22 years old. She enjoys writing short stories and sharing them with others. Melissa has struggled with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder since she was sixteen years old. She was hospitalized 18 times between her sixteenth and nineteenth birthdays. Melissa received quality care when she was hospitalized. When she was released from the hospital, […]

ABA and Families: Garcia Family

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 The Garcia family includes Tom (dad) and Glenda (mom). They have four daughters: Natalie (12), Rebecca (10), Pati (8) and Julianna (6). Glenda’s mother, Elena, and Glenda’s adult sister, Victoria, also lives with the Garcia family. Victoria has an intellectual disability. The Garcia family has recently put […]

ABA and Community Living: Roberto, Don, and Paul

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 A new fast food restaurant opened in Oakwood City. The restaurant offers fast food items: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, kid’s meals, French fries, and ice cream. The menu lists items with the price for each type of food item. Recently, the restaurant modified their menu structure. Now, […]


People with Lived Experience and Advocacy People with lived experience who want to choose a positive support have a lot of choices. It can be hard to figure out how to pick a positive support that will be the best fit for each person’s needs. Finding the right person to help can be challenging as […]

Person-Centered Practices and Families: Steven and Tony

Steven’s and His Mother’s Story One Personal Futures Planning facilitator was very worried. The person’s mother was not saying anything at all during the Personal Futures Planning meeting. This was a mother that had often been very vocal about her views. The facilitator was concerned that she might be upset. They talked afterward, and the […]

Person-Centered Practices and Early Childhood: Emily and Michael

This is a story about two five year olds, their parents, and their schools. Both five year olds transitioned from special education early childhood programs into regular kindergarten programs. These programs were in their neighborhood “home” schools. The neighborhood schools had never before had children with this degree and range of disabilities in regular kindergarten. […]
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