The resources in this series can help identify opportunities to align federal and internal agency processes, including the Child and Family Services Plan/Annual Progress and Services Report (CFSP/APSR), Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan (CFSR PIP), and internal agency continuous quality improvement (CQI) work.
The purpose of Case Studies of System Implementation is to understand how factors affecting system implementation contribute to the development of local systems of care for children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and their families.
This paper describes an exploratory study on the relationship between systems of care with their individualized care component, and evidence-based practices.
Minnesota System of Care is a new way of helping children and youth with complex mental health needs and their families by connecting and coordinating the work of various systems and partners
This page includes presentations and resources that are no longer in What’s New. You can find important presentations and resources on Positive Supports on this page.
Families comprising a parent, child, or youth who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) or transitioning navigate
varying levels of acceptance and support when accessing and utilizing needed services within the mental health system.
The landscape for the organization and financing of behavioral health services for children and adolescents is rapidly shifting in the United States as a result
of state and local budgetary pressures, large-scale Medicaid redesign initiatives in states, and opportunities and challenges posed by national health reform