
This list shows both Minnesota-based and national team examples as well as projects and resources related to person-centered and positive support practices.

All About Me [External link]

A "communication passport" to help support team members get to know a person and how the communicate.

Charting the LifeCourse Resources on Disability Hub [External link]

Use Charting the LifeCourse's family perspective tools to articulate a vision of what you want (and don't want) for your family, to identify and access key supports, and to plan for a good life now and in the future.

NCAPPS Shorts: Culture and Person-Centered Practices [External link]

Acknowledging and understanding a person’s racial and cultural identities is essential for providing person-centered supports. In a series of short videos, NCAPPS community members share their thoughts on how their racial and cultural identities shape their expectations and views of support systems.

St. Louis County Person-Centered Incident Manual [External link]

The person centered approach to crisis management is a community collaboration to implement person centered responses to adults experiencing crisis and in need services and supports

Equity Coaching Guide [External link]

The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide provides the classroom coach with a reflection tool to examine the implementation of Pyramid Model practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices and identification of implicit bias.
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